More Awards for our Artisan Pies
British Pie Week is not just an excuse to indulge in lots of pastry. It’s also serious business in the pie world as it is the week the British Pie Awards are held. Anybody who's anybody in the pie world must wield a few of these! We put forward a handful of pies into the awards this year and awaiting nervously until the announcement from Melton Mowbray to find out whether we would be able to add more to our now fairly extensive collection of accolades.
Unfortunately, Suzi and Simon couldn’t make it up to the ceremony this time due to transport issues so no cheesy photos with the certificates to be seen (here's one of Simon having a marvellous time at last year's shindig) but we’re delighted to have received a couple of new awards in 2023!
🏅🏅We're thrilled to have won Class Champion of a category this year for our new Vegan Pie (available online soon 👀) - making it officially the Best Vegan Pie of '23 and our trusty Steak Pasty gained another badge for it's collection.🏅🏅
More pats on the back for the kitchen hunks and everyone at Chunk who strives to create pies and pasties that wow (which is no mean feat as we grow larger and the numbers of pies produced increase)!
All of the pies we enter into the awards come straight off the production line – no special batches are baked here. As Simon is now renowned for saying, “we don’t fudge and fettle!”. We want the pies we send out to our lovely customers to be just as good as the ones plonked in front of the judges for scrutiny. Our mantra is “tasty, special, natural” and we aim for our pies (as well as everything else in the business) to be just that! So we’re thrilled the judges were impressed with our pies (and pasties) again this year.
We’re just shy of 250 awards now for our pies, pasties and sausage rolls! Stay tuned for the next batch (announced shortly) when we’re bound to nip over the line and reach this colossal figure - cue massive celebrations from the team 🎉🥳
Go on - take a Chunk!