Football Fever
To say we’re proud of our boys at Exeter City for their promotion this season is a bit of an understatement. With Wembley FA Cup Final coming up next week as well, there’s a bit of football fever around here. If you’re out of the loop, then here’s a quick roundup ⚽ ⚽ ⚽
Monster Pasty for Exeter City
Our Pasty Queen Paula with her monster creation 👑

Our local team, Exeter City secured their promotion to League 2 after beating Barrow 2,1 on 26th April. Their final game was on Saturday 7th May against Portvale (this time not victorious... moving on) and the real party began!
We sent a monster pasty (it really is enormous!) to the lads to celebrate their promotion and congratulate them on their phenomenal playing.

Forget Wembley, It's Pie and Mash Night
Chelsea are playing Liverpool in the FA Cup Final at Wembley Stadium 14th May, and we’re eager to see who comes out on top.
The FA Cup is getting on a bit - 150 years old this year, and the country will be on the edge of their seats to find out if North or South triumph. With Liverpool having won all of their last 5 matches and scoring 87 goals (vs 69) over the season, statistics say the North may well be celebrating this weekend.

But the real battle to drive a wedge between the North and South is whether to gravy or not to gravy. Whether you're having mash or chips on the side, we'd love to know how many of you have to whip up a gravy for pie night!
We have been proudly supplying pies and pasties to Wembley for several years. If you’re not heading to Wembley this week and can't get your Chunk fill there, then enjoy the game at home with pie and mash (and gravy if you wish)! We can’t think of a better way to celebrate than getting your pals around, grabbing some beers out of the fridge, and getting the pies in!