Alan and His Mission to Reduce Waste

This is our Operations Manager, Alan 👋. Alan has been a 'Hunk' for a little over 3 months and has been hustling to reduce waste and ensure the smooth running of the Chunk Kitchen. Alan will be implementing some lean manufacturing principles with the aim to reduce wastage across the business and be an essential part of the team creating the award-winning pasties and pies we all love!
All about Alan
No.1 film
Man on Fire
When he’s not at Chunk
These days he loves watching cricket, rather than playing it, but he’s considering getting the old whites out for one for last summer.
Devon haven
Tipton St John, to Ottery St Mary alongside the River Otter, trying to avoid a wet dog 🐶
Fav Chunk goodie
Pork Pie
What makes Alan the man for the job
Alan has been the Site and planning Manager at Jersey Dairy for 11 years and has a whopping 30 years’ experience within the food and transport industry.
Mission Possible and Already Well Underway
WASTE. Always a bugbear of Simon’s, there are lots of initiatives that we are involved with to help to further reduce waste. From shifting our “uglies” (the pies and pasties that just don't look as pretty as they should) and "over bakes" (too many are made and baked ...someone needs a calculator !😖) to lucky locals at the trailer outside Chunk HQ, to partnering with Waste Warriors Southwest & Wales.
Simon is constantly on the hunt for more ways to cut down on waste, with waste featuring high-up on his agenda since way back in 2009. We take every opportunity to reduce both our food waste and being wasteful across other areas, including power and water (which starts with switching stuff off). With Alan on the team, we can continue to do our bit to save the planet 🌎.

Alan set about on a mission to further reduce waste and streamline the kitchen processes with Simon when he passed through the doors. Creating clever new ways to use excess pastry that is left over after cutting out the pasty and pie shapes - poor old us having to taste test lots of wonderful new product ideas (cheese straws, anyone?!).
Alan will continue to improve things for Chunk customers and the Hunks over the coming months. Go Alan!